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14b Petre Kavtaradze St

0186, Tbilisi, Georgia

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Business Registration

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Company Formation in Georgia

Business Registration

When you register a company in Georgia, you create an entity that has its own legal obligations. A company is a type of business structure. Business registration in Georgia means that you create a legal entity that’s separate from you. A company has different legal, financial, and record-keeping responsibilities compared to other business structures, so it’s important you know what’s involved. In order to register a company in Georgia, it is necessary to have a legal address in Georgia and submit a document confirming the consent of the owner on using its property as the company’s legal address to the registration agency.

According to the “law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs,” the following organizational and legal forms of enterprises can be formed in Georgia:

A company, whose liability to creditors is limited to its assets. The capital of a limited liability company may be fixed in any amount and is divided into shares. A share shall be transferable. There is no restriction on capital amount when founding a LLC. Majority of the companies in Georgia are registered as LLCs.

An individual engaged in the economic activities. IE shall fulfil his/her rights and obligations as an individual and therefore is subject to personal liability.

A company whose capital is divided into shares of a certain types and quantity as determined by the charter of the company.There is no restriction on capital amount when founding a JSC. The company’s liability to its creditors is limited to all of its assets and the shareholders are not liable for the company’s obligations. A JSC may issue ordinary and preferred shares. JSCs in which number of shareholders exceed 50, shall maintain the share register through an independent registrar.

A company in which several persons carry out entrepreneurial activity under single common entity name. The liability of several partners to creditors of the partnership is limited to payment of a fixed guarantee amount (limited partners) while other partners (general partners) are jointly and severally liable. The partners of an LP can be both legal entities and individuals. Partners with limited liability are not allowed to participate in the management of the LP.

A company in which several persons (partners) conduct entrepreneurial activity jointly, under single common entity name, and are jointly and severally liable with all their assets to the creditors as joint debtors.

A company may establish its sub-unit in Georgia that is not a separate legal entity. The BO of the Georgian company is not subject to registration at NAPR.

A company which is based on the labor activity of its members or established for developing the business and increasing the income of the members. The main objective of a cooperative is not to gain the profit but to satisfy the members’ interests. The liability of a cooperative to creditors is limited to its own assets.

There are no restrictions on foreign ownership or corporate governance of legal entities in Georgia with few exceptions. A Company shall have a charter capital, but the Georgian legislation does not contain any specific requirements with regard to the amount of charter capital. Also, Georgian legislation does not contain any limitations with regard to the minimum/maximum number of directors/founders of a company. Therefore, it is upon the discretion of founding partners to determine the charter capital amount. The National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) provides the registration of all types of legal entities. The registration completed on the same day of submission of required documents costs 200 GEL, otherwise ordinary registration takes 1 business day and the relevant fee is 100 GEL. The list of documents required to register a company depends on the organizational-legal form of the company and its founders.

Following documents are required to be submitted for ordinary Limited Liability Company (LLC) registration:
  • Application for registration
  • Charter of the company
  • Partner Resolution on incorporation of the company/branch, including appointing the director
  • Passport copies of the company’s director and the founders (in case founder is an individual)
  • Director’s consent to be appointed as the director of the company

    - Not required if the company founding partners and the directors are the same persons

  • Document confirming the consent of the owner on using its property as the company’s legal address
  • Document confirming founder’s registration in a foreign country and the authority of its representative individuals

    - Required if the founding partner is a foreign company

Register your business in Georgia all the documents issued outside Georgia shall be notarized and apostatized or legalized, then translated into Georgian and notarized. In order to register as an IE, an interested person shall submit an ID card and application for registration.

  • No restrictions on foreign ownership or corporate governance of legal entities in Georgia.
  • Not any specific requirements with regard to the amount of initial capital.
  • Not any limitations on the number of directors/founders of a company.
  • Business registration is possible without being in the country.
  • A company can be fully managed remotely.
  • Registration can be completed on the same day of submission.
LEPL National Agency of Public Registry in Georgia

What we offer:

Establishment of business entity in any foreign country is related to certain legal issues, procedures, documents time frames and language barriers. We can register your new Georgian company even without your presence in the country  and take care of all required procedures including:

  • Expert guidance in everything you need to form and start your company in Georgia
  • Identification of organizational structure that will best suit your business needs and goals
  • Preparation of all the required documents for your company registration.
  • Registered legal business address for your company
  • Virtual office and mail delivery service for your company
  • Registration, translation and notarial certification of documents
  • Registration of your company with all the necessary agencies such as the tax authority, pension agency, Geostat and etc. so that you can access and manage your company easily from anywhere in the world
  • Representation with government, regulatory and private authorities
  • Free consultation if you have questions before or after your business incorporation
If you’ve decided to start your business in Georgia we can prepare all the necessary documents and organize the registration of your company, even remotely without your presence.

Quick guide to our business registration packages

Register your company in Georgia with our tailored business registration packages.

Choose your plan

Company registration

Company legal address

Tax & Pensions agency registration

Opening bank account

Assistance in obtaining tax certificate

Free customer support



Including agency fees



Including agency fees



Including agency fees



Including agency fees

How does business registration work from abroad?

There are 6 simple steps listed below you need to go through in order to establish a company online in accordance with Georgian legislation.

Fill our online application form or download here and send us filled form by email, answer quick simple questions and upload required documents. Application filling process takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Once submitted, our incorporation expert will review your application to ensure it meets all the requirements to be accepted by the agency, determine which entity type is the best to set up and contact you to discuss what is needed to start your business in Georgia.

You set up an apostatized or legalized Power Of Attorney (POA) according to the draft templates already sent by us with your local notary for company formation in Georgia and send to us by post.

After receiving your documents we translate and notarize all the papers, prepare and file all business formation documents and complete supporting articles of incorporation with the agency.

Based on your POA (Power Of Attorney), your local INC.GE attorney visits the appropriate agencies, go through all the necessary procedures and register your company.

Finally, registration documents and our service invoice are sent to you. You can have peace of mind and confidence knowing that the right business entity has been formed in the right way.

Incorporate your business with a solid & smart foundation in Georgia!