Business Registration
When you register a company in Georgia, you create an entity that has its own legal obligations. A company is a type of business structure. Business registration in Georgia means that you create a legal entity that’s separate from you. A company has different legal, financial, and record-keeping responsibilities compared to other business structures, so it’s important you know what’s involved. In order to register a company in Georgia, it is necessary to have a legal address in Georgia and submit a document confirming the consent of the owner on using its property as the company’s legal address to the registration agency.
According to the “law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs,” the following organizational and legal forms of enterprises can be formed in Georgia:
There are no restrictions on foreign ownership or corporate governance of legal entities in Georgia with few exceptions. A Company shall have a charter capital, but the Georgian legislation does not contain any specific requirements with regard to the amount of charter capital. Also, Georgian legislation does not contain any limitations with regard to the minimum/maximum number of directors/founders of a company. Therefore, it is upon the discretion of founding partners to determine the charter capital amount. The National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) provides the registration of all types of legal entities. The registration completed on the same day of submission of required documents costs 200 GEL, otherwise ordinary registration takes 1 business day and the relevant fee is 100 GEL. The list of documents required to register a company depends on the organizational-legal form of the company and its founders.
Following documents are required to be submitted for ordinary Limited Liability Company (LLC) registration:
Register your business in Georgia all the documents issued outside Georgia shall be notarized and apostatized or legalized, then translated into Georgian and notarized. In order to register as an IE, an interested person shall submit an ID card and application for registration.
Establishment of business entity in any foreign country is related to certain legal issues, procedures, documents time frames and language barriers. We can register your new Georgian company even without your presence in the country and take care of all required procedures including:
Quick guide to our business registration packages
Register your company in Georgia with our tailored business registration packages.
How does business registration work from abroad?
There are 6 simple steps listed below you need to go through in order to establish a company online in accordance with Georgian legislation.